Monday, January 19, 2009

Popular Cruise Honeymoons

The Caribbean: Loll and stroll nonstop, on board your ship, and on a string of exotic beaches. Visit the galleries in St. Martin. In St. Thomas, find the best duty-free shopping in the world. Many cruise lines own private islands and stop there for a day of beach fun; on the Disney cruise line's private island you can book a massage in a secluded thatch roof pavilion open to the balmy breezes.

Alaska: Travel through the United States' last frontier and see magnificent mountains, whales and sea-lions, eagles and puffins, and much more. Totem pole parks, native villages, Russian settlement houses, shopping galore, right off the ship at every stop.

Central America: Head through the historic Panama Canal and visit ports in Costa Rica, Panama, and nearby islands. Soak up Latin American culture, warmth, sunshine, and stunning natural beauty. Small ship adventure cruises explore Belize and carry scuba-diving equipment on board.

The Nile: Cruise to the Pyramids. See a Wonder of the World, with all the heavy lifting taken care of. Guides and camels lead you to all the important sights, and there's plenty of champagne back on the ship.

France: Take a river cruise through the French canals. Canals and the French countryside, what could be more romantic?

Norway: Cruise along 1,200 miles of Norway's coast, through the fjords, deep into a unique seafaring culture. You could go on a luxury ship---or a spartan local ferry boat.

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