Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For Seniors

For older travelers, cruise vacations strike an excellent balance: they offer a tremendous variety of activities and destinations in one convenient package. You can do as much or as little as you want, meet new people, see new places, enjoy entertainment, games, and fine dining---all within the same environment. Cruises are not a good idea for those who are bedridden, have a serious medical condition that is likely to flare up on board, or are prone to periods of confusion or severe memory loss.

No particular rules apply to senior citizens on cruises, but certain freighter cruises do have an age limit. Those who want a leisurely, relaxed pace will probably be happiest on ships that attract a higher percentage of older passengers: luxury ocean liners, cruise yachts, and expedition ships on voyages of longer than seven days. Passengers who have limited mobility should look for a ship whose public rooms are clustered on one deck and select a cabin near an elevator or stairway midship. Be careful not to book a cabin with upper and lower berths.

Several cruise lines have reduced rates for senior citizens (sometimes only on certain sailings), and seniors may be able to take advantage of local discounts ashore. When in port, showing proof of age often results in reduced admissions, half fares on public transportation, and special dining rates.

Quite a few cruise lines employ "gentleman hosts," who act as dancing and bridge partners for single ladies traveling alone.

Tour Operators for Older Passengers

Saga International Holidays (222 Berkeley St., Boston, MA 02116, tel. 877/265--6862) specializes in tours and cruises for travelers 50 and older and has its own cruise ship, the Saga Rose. SeniorTours (508 Irvington Rd., Drexel Hill, PA 19026, tel. 800/227--1100) arranges cruises. World of Knowledge Tours (107 222nd St. SW, Bothell, WA 98021, tel. 800/453--9283, e-mail info@seniorsatsea.com) provides escorted tours on cruise ships for adults over 50. SeaTurtle Cruises (260 Rain Tree Rd., Sedona, AZ 86351, tel. 800/536--9383, fax 520/284--5036, e-mail seaturtles@kachina.net) has cruise vacations for seniors and people with special medical needs. Vantage Deluxe World Travel (90 Canal St., Boston, MA 02114-2031, tel. 800/322--6677, fax 617/878--6154, e-mail journeys@vantagetravel.com) provides escorted land tours, river cruises, and ocean cruises for mature travelers. White Star Tours (26 E. Lancaster Ave., Reading, PA 19607, tel. 610/775--5000 or 800/437--2323, fax 610/775--7155) arranges senior group tours and cruises. Fun & Fitness Travel Club (7338 Dartford Dr., Suite 9, McLean, VA 22102, tel. 800/273--7607 or 800/955--9942) specializes in senior fitness cruises. Elderhostel, Inc. (11 Ave. de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111-1746, tel. 877/426-8056, TTY 877/426-2167, fax 877/426-2166) is a non-for-profit organization that offers educational travel programs for adults 55 and over, including many cruises. The AARP (601 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20049, tel. 800/424--3410) is a good source for senior travel information, and offers a discount travel program. Its Web site includes travel stories, tips, and an interactive bulletin board.

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