Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Boarding The Ship

On many cruises, before you walk up the gangway, the ship's photographer will take your picture; there's no charge unless you buy the picture ($7-$10 for 5x7 prints, $20-$25 for 8x10 prints). On board, stewards may serve welcome drinks in souvenir glasses -- for which you're usually charged around $6.

You will be escorted to your cabin by a steward, who will carry your hand luggage. The rest of your bags will either be inside your cabin when you arrive or will come shortly thereafter. If your bags don't arrive within a half hour before sailing, contact the purser. If you are among the unlucky few whose luggage doesn't make it to the ship in time, the purser will trace it and arrange to have it flown to the next port.

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